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 Excellent coach. Patient, supportive and clear instructions.



Beginner Lessons and practice sessions

Absolute beginner or Refresher /taster/ fun session = Two hours (£39) Informal Coached practice for those who have dabbled previously. A stepping stone to proper lessons.


Part 1 The first session (Half day LEARN TO SURF standing up structured lesson £55.) runs most days in Summer takes three hours total (2 1/2 hrs practical) and covers:

  • A beach safety talk about suitable surf and weather conditions and the kind of things to look for to get a safe and successful surf session.

  • The equipment: wetsuit, board care & fittings and how to carry it.

  • Going out through the surf easily, turning round, choosing the right wave and surfing back in lying down with control.

  • Paddling, more advanced steering and the main control points of the board (still lying down).

  • Surfing standing up on the board.


Each of these stages has a 10 minute intro on the beach then into the water to practice for 20 minutes or so and these short modules make it quite suitable for both children and adults. Once you're comfortable with one technique you move onto the next.

Running time is approximately 2 and a half hours. Most people get to stand up for a couple of seconds with good technique .. (longer if they're active in any other sports).

an be done as a stand-alone course covering all the basics: (Also great as a refresher for those who have just done one or two sessions previously as we tend to cover all aspects in detail.)  

Part 2  COACHED PRACTICE Session £39 Run daily in main season, Takes 2 hrs. (all practical) and covers and re-caps all the moves learnt in "Part 1" :

  • Warm-ups and stretches,

  • Practise "pop-ups" on the beach,

  • Further & faster, surfing in the whitewater.

  • Longer rides and trimming the board for more speed.

  • Improving stance and balance on the board.

  • Intro to Turning technique while standing.

This session is ideal for those who have not quite mastered standing up or are happy with surfing standing up for a few seconds but needing to practice the basics from part 1 to improve.  or those who haven't surfed in a while.  

(The programme below is the normal schedule but may be altered on the day due to weather and surf conditions.)

Each of these stages has a 10 minute intro on the beach then into the water to practice for 20 minutes or so and these short modules make it quite suitable for both children and adults. Once you're comfortable with one technique you move onto the next.

Running time is approximately 2 and a half hours. Most people get to stand up for a couple of seconds with good technique .. (longer if they're active in any other sports).

Key lessons are very thorough and contain a lot of background theory as you progress through the practical sections so that you will really get to understand a lot about beach safety, about surf and about how the board works as you develop your own riding technique. sessions are run according to demand so you can book by mailing or phoning to check availability for the dates you prefer. Group size averages around five and if it's a one to one coaching session it will be slightly shorter ... around two hours. Parts 1 and two can be done on the same day (two days is recommended). Price for both sessions booked together is £98

All the prices include the equipment.



Improver/advanced beginner Classes

Improvers (Advanced beginner level structured lesson £55.) Takes around three hrs of theory & practical and covers:

  • Further, faster, and doing turns in the whitewater.

  • Longer rides and trimming the board for more speed.

  • Improving stance and balance on the board.

  • Turning technique while standing.

  • Intro to Riding green waves (Dependant on existing ability level).



It is very thorough and contains a lot of background theory as you progress through the practical sections so that you will really get to understand a lot about surf, about how the board works and develop your own riding technique. sessions are run according to demand (2 or three times per week in main season) so you can book by mailing or phoning to check availability for the dates you prefer.


Group size averages around five and if it's a one to one coaching session it will be slightly shorter ... around two hours. All the prices include the equipment.


Advanced intermediate surf tuition

Advanced surfing lessons (£55 in a small group or £98.00 one to one individual lesson) will work on a mix of the following:

  • Riding green waves.

  • Getting more and better waves.

  • Longer rides with speed.

  • Faster turns.

  • Bigger waves.

                                     PHOTOGRAPHY &


Have your surfing analysed


And get some cool pictures!

PHOTO SESSIONS for any ability level as long as you are riding green waves.

Photographer Pete is a former British team captain, Welsh surf champion x 2, 3rd in Europe, British senior veterans champion. Coach to Wales surfteam and 2 world champions 7x British champions in surfing and other sports including Olympic medallist.

Photographer to Carve magazine, Animal, Fat Face, Sunday Times etc.

Pete will photograph and video your usual surf session at your local break (or travel to the most suitable surf beach on the day), either on your own or with your mates. This will take around an hour and will be geared to filming a selection of your waves both good and bad so that a range of techniques can be analysed. Photos or video or a combination of both will be taken depending on the situation..... whatever will give the best coaching material on the day.

The aim will be to collect material to provide an overview of your surfing so that you can improve on what's good and correct what's bad. A video / stills playback will follow (around half an hour aprox.) followed by a written assessment of your session with suggestions for improvement.

You can have copies of five of your favourite pics and/or video clips to keep for your own personal use including for social media. Copies of all other pics are available to view for coaching purposes and also for purchase at £10 for package of three (digital downloads).

Prices (initial sessions last aprox. three hours)

  • £98 :: one person

  • £120 :: two people

  • £140 :: three people (max.) Follow up sessions at 10% discount.

  • £100 :: Pure photoshoot with 20 best pics as downloads.


Costs for long term coaching plans/repeat sessions:

  • £198 :: 3 x 2 hr.sessions including 10 pics/video per session.

  • £290 :: 5 x 2 hr.sessions including 10 pics/video per session.

  • Block sessions must be completed within a 6 month period from the first session.

  • NB This is either a photoshoot/progress report* or part of a practical surf coaching lesson. As A photoshoot You are responsible for your own safety in the water, The photographer will film you as part of your normal surfing session and give you detailed feedback on your surfing following your in-water session .. they will not accompany you into the water and will not provide lifeguard cover other than observing. Any safety advice given will be generic and not beach/activity specific.

No Surf No Problem!

Stand Up Paddleboard sessions: £55 per person (reduced rate p.p. for families and groups)  5 persons max.

A two and a half hour fun introduction to paddleboarding for families and Adults on flat water. This is a guide to the essential surfboard skills of paddling, board control and safety. Kneeling to begin with then progressing to stand up techniques and a short tour to finish the session.

Guideline ages 12 yrs. and upwards.

Sessions are held on the most suitable beach on the day .. often the base at Nolton Haven. or a sheltered bay on the Milford Haven waterway.

Kids surf Sessions

KIDS Coached Practice sessions daily at Intermediate/improver level £29.00 (with a discount for block bookings):  PLease phone for times.

  • Daily morning sessions dependant on numbers. Usually 11.00am to 1.00pm.

  • Otherwise joining afternoon beginner group for more practice 2.30pm to 4.30pm.


Surf practice sessions

2 Hour coached practice sessions £39.00.

Once you have taken part in a course you can return for a coached practice session with hints and tips to improve what you've learnt before moving up to learn new techniques.

Surf equipment HIRE

EQUIPMENT HIRE IS AVAILABLE DAILY from wherever the surf or Paddle school is operating which will be dependant on wind,weather and/or surf conditions . This will give you the best conditions on the day. So usually BROAD HAVEN (North Pembrokeshire), PEBBLES CAFE Car Park at NEWGALE (SOUTH END), or SHELTERED BAYS on the MILFORD HAVEN WAY

Whilst hiring you will come under our SAFETY COVER if using the same area of water we are teaching on.










Available by 2 hour session or full day.

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